Our goal for Physical Education is that children are inspired to lead active, healthy lives by developing:
physical literacy skills across a broad range of sports and activities;
an understanding of the body, its capabilities and the importance of a healthy, active lifestyle; and
sportsmanship, strategic engagement and enjoyment within competitive sports.
In EYFS and Key Stage 1, we aim to provide the children with a solid foundation in physical literacy, with a focus on Fundamental Movement Skills.
In Key Stage 2, the children revisit and build on these physical literacy skills within a wide range of contexts while developing an understanding of the strategic elements of games.
Across all phases, children are taught to recognise and appreciate the effects and benefits of exercise and are encouraged to develop and apply their Skills Builder skills within a competitive context.
For more information regarding our Physical Education Curriculum, please explore the documents below:
We also have an extensive extra-curricular programme. This includes;
For enquiries about the provision of Physical Education at William Tyndale Primary School, please contact the PE Subject Leader, Kinga Wabia, via parentmessages@williamtyndale.islington.sch.uk