For tour dates please call the school office and to book your place

Upcoming tour dates are Wednesday 25th September 2024, Wednesday 20th November 2024, Wednesday 8th January 2025, Wednesday 26th March 2025 and Wednesday 18th June 2025 - all tours start at 9.15am, normally Sophie Gavalda, our Head Teacher will give a talk and then children will show you round the school.

Making a decision about a school for your child is very important and we encourage parents who are interested in sending their child to William Tyndale to contact the school office in the first instance.  

We are a popular school and in the event of more applications than places in a year group we decide who can be admitted to the school by following the rules laid down by our admissions policy in accordance with the Government's School Admissions Code and Regulations.

Applications for primary admission for the Reception class are at present made through the Council for the borough where you live, the year before your child starts school. At William Tyndale, children start Reception class in the September of  the academic year they turn five.


In-Year Admissions

Should you wish to apply for an in-year place then please complete the in-year application form on the islington website: .  We have our own in year application form which you can also complete. This should can then be brought into the school office or sent by email to

Nursery Admissions

Please see our Nursery admissions policy applicable to admissions in September 2024-2025 

Please see the Nursery application form .  Children come to the nursery the academic year they turn 4 i.e the year before Reception class. The places offered are full time places. This form should be returned to William Tyndale's School Office or emailed to . The closing date for September 2025 nursery applications is Friday 7th February 2025. 


Please see below the link if you wish to appeal the school's decision not to offer a place.  

Appeal a school decision | Islington Council

Timetable for appeals for primary reception admission in September 2024 to our school

  • 17th April 2024: you will get an offer by email in the evening
  • 22 May 2024: deadline for appeal forms to be submitted
  • Appeal hearings to be held in June/July 2024