Mathematics introduces children to concepts, skills and thinking strategies that are essential in everyday life and support learning across the curriculum.

Here are some ideas of how you can help at home to support your child's work in class.


Encourage your child to recognise numbers and count objects when at home and outside.

Play counting games with your child. These could include simple board games, counting toys when tidying up, counting the number of red cars that they can see and so on.


Make use of real life opportunities to count and learn about numbers.

For example: counting up and down steps while out and about or how many grapes are in the bowl in the kitchen.

Encourage your child to think about more or less while playing with suggestions like ‘Can you put two more cars into the garage?’

Look out for numbers in the environment on doors, buses and shops.

Play simple games using a dice, like snakes and ladders, shut the box and ludo.

Learn about numbers with CBeebies NumberBlocks.

Years 1 and 2

Practise counting daily.

Use the Numicon you were given in Reception to complete the activities shown in the link.

Learn the addition and subtraction number facts for all numbers to 10.

Find 1 more and 1 less than a number up to 20.

Investigate with measuring instruments - scales, measuring jugs, measuring tapes to find out if objects are heavier/lighter; more full/less full; longer/shorter.

Practise telling the time to o'clock and half past.

There are videos, games and activities that link to the learning in class on Your child has been given the login details, but please ask your class teacher if there are any difficulties logging on.

Encourage your child to play maths games found on such as Number Fact Families, Hit the Button and Toy Shop Money Game.

Play games with dice like Snakes and Ladders and Ludo.

In Year 2 practise counting in 2s, 5s and 10s and beginning to know the multiplication and division facts for 2x, 5x and 10x tables.

Years 3 and 4

Talk to your child about what they have been learning each week. Please look at the Maths Activities on the Year 3 or Year 4 page for ideas of ways to support at home.

Children have been given their logins and passwords for MyMaths and Times Table Rock Stars but if you have any problems accessing the website please see your class teacher.

There are lots of fun games and activities (arranged by topic) on MyMaths which link closely to our learning. Go to the Year 3 or Year 4 boosters for activities suitable for these year groups.

Times Tables Rockstars will help children to practise their multiplication and division facts at speed. Hit the Button and ICT Games include fun online games which also help to increase children’s speed with key number facts and concepts.

Provide opportunities for your child to use measuring instruments - weighing scales, measuring jugs and rulers - for a real purpose. Investigate the scales on the instruments and the units of measure. Practise reading the scales with increasing accuracy.

Support your child to be accurate at telling the time, using analogue and digital clocks and beginning to convert between 12 and 24 hour clocks.

Years 5 and 6

It is essential that children have a strong understanding of all of their multiplication and division facts, as well as having a quick recall of addition and subtraction facts. Click on the link below to access times tables activities that you may like to practise with your child.

Encourage your child to continue to practise their multiplication and division facts using Times Table Rock Stars.

Hit the Button Number Bonds continues to be useful to practise addition and subtraction facts. It includes number bonds to 20, 100, and decimals to make 1 and 10.

Encourage your child to investigate units of measurement to develop an idea of roughly how long a metre is, how heavy a kg is and what the capacity of a litre is. Support them to develop increasing accuracy when reading scales on a variety of measuring instruments, like weighing scales, measuring jugs and measuring tapes.

Support your child to be accurate at telling the time on both analogue and digital clocks. Support them with opportunities to read timetables; working out time intervals (if we leave at 12:37 and arrive at 1:05, how long is the train journey?); and what time it will be in a particular amount of time (it is currently 9:10, what time will it be in 2 and three quarter hours?).

Please look at the calculation policy to see methods covered in your child's year group.